READ ME: How to report a bug in Bardeen

:information_source: Where you can report any issues, bugs, or unexpected behavior you encounter while using Bardeen. Check out our Getting Started guide, Knowledge Base, Why am I not getting all my scraper results?, and How to use Bardeen scraper.

Before reporting a bug

  1. Search for your issue on the community. :mag_right:
  2. Unsure if it’s a bug? Ask in :question:Help and questions first!

How to report an issue with Bardeen:

  1. Create a Bardeen Community Account: Log in with your Bardeen account.
  2. Go to the :lady_beetle: Report an issue category: Create a new topic and follow the Bug Reporting Template.
  3. Get Started on the community: Learn about this space!

Remember: Fixing Bardeen issues is a team effort. The more details you share, the better!

Our team and community members will collaborate to resolve the issue as quickly as possible.

Let’s work together to squash those bugs and create a smooth automation experience! :raised_hands: :tada:

To help us resolve your issue, please provide the following information using this template.

Description of the Issue (please include the website that you are trying to scrape if applicable):

Example: I attempted to run a Salesforce automation to create contacts from LinkedIn but encountered an error. The automation was unsuccessful.

Error Message (if applicable):

Paste the error message below:


Copy code

  "clientErrorCode": "Salesforce get profile: UnexpectedErrorPayload (403)",
  "userHint": "A request to the service API failed. Please check the error details",
  "trackError": "default",
  "clientErrorHistory": [

Steps to Reproduce the Issue:

Example: I pinned the Salesforce automation to my app, connected Salesforce, and ran it over this LinkedIn profile. I received the error message and cannot resolve it.

Bardeen Version:

How to check the Bardeen version: Right-click on the Bardeen extension > Click on Manage Extension > Copy the extension version number.

Link to Playbook or Autobook (if applicable):


Video Recording or Screenshots (optional, but recommended):

Upload your files here or embed a Loom video or GIF.