2 issues while scraping - click anywhere & extension

Description of the issue:

Issue #1

The click anywhere functions I built in to my scrape works fine, however it has all my old scrapes I built and have since deleted, so it makes it difficult to know which scrape template is the correct one. Please watch the loom video below, which shows the problem in action.

Issue #2

When scraping, the Bardeen extension opens with every scrape, which it never use to do. So now I have to manually close it every time. This can be seen in the above loom video.

For example: I tried to run a Salesforce automation to create contacts from LinkedIn, but encountered an error. The automation was unsuccessful.

Error message (if aplicable):

Please paste the error message below:

  "clientErrorCode": "Salesforce get profile: UnexpectedErrorPayload (403)",
  "userHint": "A request to the service API failed. Please check the error details",
  "trackError": "default",
  "clientErrorHistory": [
How to get Bardeen error messages?

Bardeen usually provides error messages. These help us solve the issue faster. You can check them by:

  1. Opening Bardeen extension
  2. On the right top corner, next to your profile image👤, you’ll find an icon for history: :file_cabinet:. Click it.
  3. Then check the Errors tab. Copy the relevant bug to your case
    (Ex: if you ran a salesforce automation, copy the salesforce issue).:point_down:

Steps to reproduce this issue:

Please provide a detailed account of the steps taken to encounter the issue. Where did you start? What actions did you perform? Where did you encounter the error?

Ex: I pinned this salesforce automation to my app, connected salesforce and then ran it over this linkedin profile. I received the error message and have been unable to resolve it.

Bardeen version: ____

:information_source: How to check the Bardeen version: right click on your Bardeen extension > Click on Manage Extension > Copy the extension version number.

Link to Playbook or Autobook (if applicable):

Ex: Create a Salesforce contact from a LinkedIn profile | Bardeen Automation

:movie_camera:Video recording or screenshots (optional, but recommended):

(Upload your files here)

You can also embedd a loom video or gif.


To address deleted actions appearing on the list, could you please try re-starting the extension?

Regarding your reported issue #2, I will escalate this issue to our engineering team to investigate if any recent updates might have caused this change. We will keep you informed as soon as we have more information.

Apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.

Customer Support - bardeen.ai
Knowledge Base https://support.bardeen.ai/hc/en-us
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Hello Victoria,

Thanks for your email. How do I restart the extension? Do I have to uninstall it and then re-install it?

Daniel Edgar

DD: (646) 315 6224

**W: **www.prsresourcing.com

**E: ** daniel@prsresourcing.com


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Hello Daniel,

Re-installing extension is not necessary, but if you do that, it will also update your extension version to latest which is recommended.

To simply restart, please follow instructions on the screenshot:

Here’s how you can update your version of Bardeen:

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser.
  2. Navigate to your extensions page by either:
    ◦ Opening a new tab and typing chrome://extensions into the address bar.
    ◦ Clicking on the three-dot icon at the top right corner of the browser, selecting “More tools,” and then “Extensions”.
  3. Enable “Developer mode” by toggling the switch in the top-right corner of the extensions page.
  4. Once Developer mode is enabled, additional options will appear on the page. Look for the Bardeen extension, Click Details and click the “Update” button.
    This will force Chrome to download and install any available updates for Bardeen.


Customer Support - bardeen.ai
Knowledge Base https://support.bardeen.ai/hc/en-us
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community