Salesforce error on Linkedin automation

Issue reporting template:

Description of the issue:

For example: I tried to run a Salesforce automation to create contacts from LinkedIn, but encountered an error. The automation was unsuccessful.

Error message (if aplicable):

Please paste the error message below:

  "clientErrorCode": "Salesforce get profile: UnexpectedErrorPayload (403)",
  "userHint": "A request to the service API failed. Please check the error details",
  "trackError": "default",
  "clientErrorHistory": [
How to get Bardeen error messages?

Bardeen usually provides error messages. These help us solve the issue faster. You can check them by:

  1. Opening Bardeen extension
  2. On the right top corner, next to your profile image👤, you’ll find an icon for history: :file_cabinet:. Click it.
  3. Then check the Errors tab. Copy the relevant bug to your case
    (Ex: if you ran a salesforce automation, copy the salesforce issue).:point_down:

Steps to reproduce this issue:

Please provide a detailed account of the steps taken to encounter the issue. Where did you start? What actions did you perform? Where did you encounter the error?

Ex: I pinned this salesforce automation to my app, connected salesforce and then ran it over this linkedin profile. I received the error message and have been unable to resolve it.

Bardeen version: ____

:information_source: How to check the Bardeen version: right click on your Bardeen extension > Click on Manage Extension > Copy the extension version number.

Link to Playbook or Autobook (if applicable):


:movie_camera:Video recording or screenshots (optional, but recommended):

(Upload your files here)

You can also embedd a loom video or gif.