Adding only new list items to Google Sheets - how to

Is it possible to only scrape new list items since the last scrape (and insert into Google Sheets), rather than the entire list?

Hi @Bob,

This is possible using the “Update Google Sheet rows” action. Here’s a good tutorial on how to use it: How to use Update Google Sheet rows

I hope this helps!
Please let us know if you have any questions or need more information.
Thank you,

Hey Jess, Thanks for the response.

Im not sure this is exactly the answer I was looking for. I probably should have give you some context.

Im scraping a website (list) and then deepscrape and write the outcome of the (deep)scrape in a Google Sheet.

URL | Title of page | Description of page

URL A | Title of page A | Description of page A
URL B | Title of page B | Description of page B
URL C | Title of page C | Description of page C

What I want to achieve is the following in Google Sheets

  1. If the description of Page A changed

URL | Title of page | Description of page

URL A | Title of page A | UPDATED Description of page A
URL B | Title of page B | Description of page B
URL C | Title of page C | Description of page C

  1. If a new page has been added to the list.

URL | Title of page | Description of page

URL A | Title of page A | Description of page A
URL B | Title of page B | Description of page B
URL C | Title of page C | Description of page C
URL D | Title of page D | Description of page D

Any idea how to do this? “When website data changes” and " Update Google Sheet rows" is probably useful but havent figured out how yet.

Any ideas you have would be highly appreciated.


Yep, this is totally possible with the recommended action above.

I would use the URL as your unique identifier by row to search for.

If you’d like more detailed assistance, please share your automation And the Google sheet publicly. I’ll take a look for you.

Thank you,

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Hey Jess, Thank you for all the support. I think i found another way to do the second scenario. I may be wrong but “Update Google Sheet rows” does not seem to work if there is not already an existing row to update.

If there is a new addition to a list on a website, it would need to create a new row, not update it. I tried building it with the “monitor website changes” function. What do you think, will this work? I published the Google Sheet and the autobook is called “Scraping test monitor”.

Would you mind taking a look if i have al the settings correctly?

Appreciate all your help and love Bardeen already so much!

Ill try to work on teh first scenario too, but that may take a bit more time.

Hi Bob,

Thanks for reporting. This is a known issue that we are working to fix. I will let you know as soon as we have Chrome Store approval so you can update to the latest version of Bardeen.

In the meantime, I am here to answer any further questions or concerns you might have. Your experience and satisfaction are our top priorities, and we are committed to providing you with the support you need.

Thank you again for your patience and for choosing Bardeen.


Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community


Hey Bardeeni, i was just trying to figure out if i configured it correctly? Did you check and found out there is an bug in your systems? And if so, did i configured it correctly?

Hi Bob,

Thanks for your patience. We are still working on resolving the issue and will provide an update shortly. If you can please share your automation and the Google sheet with edit access to, I can check the configuration.


Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

No need, it worked!!! rows were automatically added today to my Google Sheets! Brilliant, thanks for the support and patience.

Glad to hear! I’ll mark this as solved :slightly_smiling_face:


Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

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Hi @lucy_bardeen , sorry I was a bit too optimistic. I want to 1) monitor for new additions to a list 2) scrape the added list items and 3) deep scrape the added list item. I just cant get it to work. I have tried so many variations to the “monitor for website changes” action. Is there any training material on how to do this? Videos, example autobooks, earlier posts in this community, etc. I would really appreciate any help I can get here. --Bob