Paul Harris - Retired - Participating in Fulfillment of Navigation Database Orders for Ferried Aircraft

Hi, everyone! My name is Paul Harris. I am a retired airline pilot and print shop owner. I currently work in fulfilling orders for navigation databases to support aircraft movements outside of scheduled airline operations. I have developed my own process using Notion, Tally Forms, and Gmail to get the job done. Now I am looking for possible ways to automate some of my process steps to save time as our volume of business is increasing.

I see tremendous power and potential in Bardeen to that end. However, at this introductory stage it all looks like Greek to me! Perhaps I could get some help with my first effort, then I may be able to figure out the rest on my own.

I collect sale order information on a Tally Form that is Integrated to my Notion Database. When the information comes in it creates an Unnamed Page in my Database. On creation of this page I would like to create a Name for the Page from some [DateTime] function followed by the Text in two of the Text fields on the submitted Form. Example:

 2023-10-12 +" "+[Aircraft Registration]+"MSN-"[MSN]

Then I want to Update the Page Name with this Text Value

Can this be done? Where to start? I have the Trigger, it’s the Action where I get lost :no_mouth:

Hi @pharris, Welcome to the Bardeen Community :slight_smile:

Thank you for sharing your background. Awesome use case and it sounds like you’ve got your process down well - just looking to improve efficiency even further, always fun!

This use case is possible with Bardeen, but at the moment there is a bug with the “When a Notion page is created” causing it not to trigger unfortunately.
The bug has been reported here to follow updates: When Notion Page is Created Never Works

The actions needed to accomplish your use case are:

  1. When Notion page is created
  2. Get Current Time
  3. Merge Text
  4. Update Notion Page

Looking ultimately something like this:


You sure DO know your way around Bardeen. That was a really fast and thoughtful response. During the downtime with the Trigger I’ll see if I can get that built into my own Autobook.

Thank you, eversomuch.


Happy to help @pharris!

Here’s more about me if you care to take a gander: 🪄 Ambassador: Jess Van Wyhe | Personal Productivity

Feel free to reach out again in the future with any inquiries you come across :slight_smile:

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Awesome help here Jess!

If it was useful, consider buying her a coffee for her help :slight_smile:

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Awesome to have you join @pharris !

Seems like you have quite a history :smiley:

Would be great if you want to share your story at :raising_hand_man: Introduce Yourself

And if you want to share your use-case, :star_struck: Showcase is the place :smiley:

I will be happy to buy Jess a coffee or more when I have a chance to test the module she put together for me. I’m not sure I want to move forward with an app that has had a failed trigger reported to engineering over a month ago with no progress in site…

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Can you share more details on this?

If we missed to follow up on an issue, we’re truly sorry, let us know we’ll bring prompt response :slight_smile:

@ivan - Pharris is talking about this bug: When Notion Page is Created Never Works

It looks like Artem just responded with an update yesterday though - still in progress

Actually, a response from a founder gave a good explanation for what is going on.,When%20Notion%20Page%20is%20Created%20Never%20Works,-It%20looks%20like

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I’m glad that helped clear things :slight_smile:

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