When Notion Page is Created Never Works

Iā€™ve always been confused about why this simple automation never worked. Is this because Notion is still in Beta or Iā€™m setting up the workflow wrong? Is there any prerequisite for this automation to work?

  • Iā€™ve connected the appropriate databases
  • Left the ā€œtitleā€ empty so that it only reads when something is created
  • I set it up so that it creates a similar entry to a different database
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im soo frustrated with this too! i tried it and it turns out it only works if you put in ā€˜matching input parametersā€™, where you hard-set it to equal to the database item, it will copy that item and that item only to another database. dont know if i also misunderstood it too but it wont work without the parameters

@ivan Letā€™s make sure we do not miss this.

Checking if thereā€™s an update to this? Has this been resolved?

@Deyan_Petrov @ivan

Hey @juliusgabriel I have not yet heard anything regarding this, please note that I do not work for Bardeen and I donā€™t know if this is in the pipeline.

Yeap, same problem here. I set up a create and update to a new gsheet row on a tab, and it just doesnā€™t work.

with all the sync arguments I put the title empty too to work on new pages, but it just work when I put it asking for a page and I have to manually change everytime. it does not even have a notification since it is not even catching the update tooā€¦ :frowning:

Thank you for bringing this to our attention! Our team is on it and Iā€™ll circle back shortly with an update. Thanks for your patience!

Thank you. Looking forward to have this fixed.

Thanks for making this issue known, Iā€™m working with the engineering team to get this resolved :slight_smile:

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Any further update on this? Waiting to launch my career changing Flow!



Hey folks,

I understand your frustration with this, and want to apologize for taking so long to fix this seemingly simple issue.

Alow me to provide a bit of a background first. Since pretty much when this action was launched we got feedback that people wanted to have it work reliably (i.e. trigger properly for all the updates even when userā€˜s browser, and hence Bardeen, was offline when the update was made). Now to enable this, and similar other trigger actions, we had to migrate the Bardeen engine from within confines of a browser to the cloud and enable a whole new set of functionality. As you can imagine itā€™s not an easy feat, but the good news is that the infrastructure for that is already there and we already have our first set of cloud-enabled actions available (we started with Google Sheets, Zoom and Airtable).
Notion is next in line (together with our scraper and A bunch of other integrations) to be enabled for the cloud. Once we do that, the reliability issues should be fixed and it should work much better.

I canā€™t commit to a specific date, other than to say that our engineers have already started working on this. Notion has a notoriously flaky API that doesnā€™t support webhooks, so we Iā€™ll have to get very creative here to make it work well, but we will.

I am sorry for all the trouble this has caused, but wanted to tell you that we are working on this. If you have any questions please reach out to me directly (I am one of the cofounders, my email is artem@). Meanwhile, Iā€™m happy to compensate everyone for their troubles by offering an hour-long personal consultation (normally goes for $500 an hour) as well a lot of free Bardeen credits. Please reach out!




Thank you for the update and the explanation. Iā€™m currently in a Trial membership and await further progress on this.


Paul Harris

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Hello Artem

I am on a paid subscription having seen this as functionality associated with the plugin. It clearly does not work.

How do you advise I proceed.



Hi James,

Stepping in for Artem. Can you please share more details of what isnā€™t working for you and a link to the playbook so we can further troubleshoot? This is an old post and we have since improved our Notion functionality.


I am currently trying to scrape a list from a LinkedIn people list to Excel and the following error message is one I am not able to resolve.

Bardeen couldnā€™t find any list container on LinkedIn Login, Sign in | LinkedIn using DIV:nth-of-type(3) > DIV:first-of-type > UL:first-of-type > LI selector. Please ensure your scraper model is not outdated.

Would you mind sharing the playbook link and the actual LinkedIn page you are trying to scrape? This will help me troubleshoot better. Thanks, Lucy