My changes are not being saved when I edit a scraper

I have a couple of scrapers I want to go back and add some fields to. I understand that the scraper page and fields have to be on the same page- and the page has to be “up” for the scraper to capture the info.

I am making some changes to the scraper and the scraper upon hitting SAVE. It does not save my changes. Is my only option is to create another scraper? Per the Bardeen tutorials, it says you can update scrapers? What is happening?

Hi John,

Could you share the playbook with the scraper you are trying to edit and also detail out what fields you would like to add ? We’ll try to reproduce the issue and see what is wrong.

Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

I am having an issue in Autobooks where there is no control panel for opening the builder, renaming or duplicating or sharing the playbook. I have deleted and re-installed. Not sure how to address this part to share the actual playbook with you. I need to solve for this before I can send you the playbook.

Hi John,

Could you please try going into your Chrome settings (three dots on the top right of Chrome not Bardeen) and zoom out ? Usually a high zoom in setting can cause the Bardeen icons on the right to disappear.

Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Take a look. I think I can send you the link but its not in the team spaces.*AB_001_LinkedIn-Full-Page-Job-Description-to-Company-Info-into-Notion-VMDDyM4bfqZ6AR0hdO

I am trying to get the job description - the first page job URL in the scraper. For some reason its not getting it. This was my original support issue.

Thanks for sharing the details John. I understand what you mean now. It looks like a UI issue with teams spaces and I’ve escalated this to the team

With regards to the support issue you had, I’m not sure I understand exactly what you mean by ‘get the job description - the first page job URL in the scrape’. I’ve gone into the edit mode of the scraper and see both the job description and job post URL which means that you just need to map it to the Notion page. Do you mind sending me a Loom video explaining exactly what field you would like get please ?

Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Take a look at that scraper and run there playbook. Can you confirm that the scraper is pulling all of the data through at the end of the scraping session. I understand that each company page can vary depending how the company entered the data. I am aware that some will put in more info for less. However, I am not getting the actual Job Posting URL to come through on the scraper. It does not show up in the actual output. Same for the Job Title. I am also having trouble with the 6 month, 1 year and 2 year growth numbers coming through. I can see them in the scraper and on the page as I step through the scraper but its not pulling the data through to Notion.

I will see if I can create a Loom video showing where the data is available on the Job Description or the company page- where its on the scraper and how its not showing up in notion.


Thanks for the help.

I can see all the fields in the scraper I am looking for. *AB_001_LinkedIn Full Page Job Description to Company Info into Notion

I can see all the fields when I am mapping the data into Notion. There are some fields that are not mapped to to Linked In as those will be coming from Apollo on the next Autobook where I will send the Domain and pull back the other data once I figure out how to get this first Autobook working.

So here is my question. I think I have all the fields mapped correctly. The fields are collected over several pages. Its goes from the job listing page to the company page on Linked In. the company page has several tabs. I am putting in delays when I go to new tabs.

I keep losing data or it does not get collected. Can you help me identify why that tis happening.


I see the Job Role Title and URL for the job description is parsed in the column in the scraper. I have it mapped to the scraper for Notion but for some reason, its not carrying it into Notion. Perhaps you can run the auto book and see what is coming out of the scraper page and determine if its picking up all the data in the scraper.
OK, Here

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Hi John,

After reviewing your issue in detail, we believe that it requires additional expertise for a resolution. Therefore, we have escalated your ticket to our higher-level support team. This team specializes in handling more complex issues and has the necessary resources to provide you with the best possible solution.

Please rest assured that we are committed to resolving your concern as swiftly and efficiently as possible. The advanced support team will review your case and contact you directly with further updates or if they need any additional information from you.

Your patience and understanding are greatly appreciated as we work to resolve your issue. In the meantime, if you have any more questions or additional information to provide, please feel free to reply to this email. We are here to help!


Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Thanks for the help but after a bunch of hours I have figured it out. Please do not pursue further. I see some of the issues that cause the scraper to break. A company that adds a phone number which is rare breaks it up.

Thanks for the update. We are here if you need anything else!

Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community