Integrating Bardeen into a larger program

Hello Bardeen Community,

I’m working on integrating Bardeen into a larger application and could use some advice on using HTTP GET/POST requests with Bardeen. I’m hoping to leverage Bardeen for tasks like web scraping and data processing. Here are my top three questions, I tried looking in the training resources but struck out, sorry if these have already been answered somewhere:

  1. Endpoints and Authentication:
  • What are the key endpoints for making HTTP GET/POST requests to Bardeen, and is there any authentication process involved?
  1. Request Format and Parameters:
  • Could anyone provide an example of the format for a GET or POST request to Bardeen? What parameters or data formats does Bardeen expect in these requests?
  1. Handling Responses:
  • What kind of responses can I expect from Bardeen, and how should I handle them in a Python-based application?

Any insights, examples, or resources you can share would be incredibly helpful. I’m excited about the potential of integrating Bardeen into my project and appreciate any guidance you can offer.

Thank you!

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Hi @charrison,

  1. Bardeen doesn’t have an API itself so there aren’t any endpoints to call or authentication. It only serves as a middleman to send requests rather.

  2. It might be helpful to reference this example on YouTube. But again Bardeen doesn’t have its own API. You’d need to reference an application’s developer documentation to use correct formatting.

  1. Responses returned in JSON, I’m not familiar with Python so I cannot help there.

I hope this helps!

Hi Cody,

Thanks for reaching out. We don’t currently have that option but would love to understand your use case in more detail so we can work together to find a solution that works for you. If you would like, you can reach out to us at


Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Thanks Vinohar.

Basically I’m trying to create an app for LinkedIn for personal use. I want something that monitors LinkedIn for when a connection request I have sent is accepted. When the request is accepted it would trigger a series of automations, many of which could be handled by Bardeen (I think). Such as scraping the LinkedIn profile, doing a web search on the person, sending that data to ChatGPT to prepare a 1-page dossier summary on the person including any commonalities between myself and them in terms of interests/background, plus a 2-3 sentence personalized hello message. Then I would want this sent to me via email and for me to be able to reply with Y/N or any edits, and once confirmed for the message to be sent to the person who accepted the linkedin request.

I’ve started coding this in Python and plan to host a simple front end on Streamlit. Like I said it seems Bardeen can do several of these middle steps and I’m trying to figure out how to connect the beginning and end of the app to Bardeen via HTTP GET/POST requests or if it’ll be too hard and I should just code the whole thing in python and forget Bardeen for. this particular use case

photo Cody Harrison
Regeneration Specialist

**434-242-6879 | **

Calendly | Portfolio

Hi Cody,

Thanks for sharing more information on this. I’ve shared this with our engineering team as they were quite keen to see how we could make this possible. They’re away for the festive season but i’ll get back to you when they’re back in with their suggestions.

Thanks for your patience.


Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

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Hi Cody,

I have just had a chat with the team and this isn’t possible at the moment but they are looking at adding it to our roadmap.

Thanks for the suggestion and sorry we don’t have an immediate solution.


Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

No worries. Where does it break down? Maybe I can code the rest of it in python

Cody Harrison - Member, Copia

m. 434-242-6879 | Calendly

LinkedIn | Portfolio | Instagram logo

In terms of triggering the playbook to start, if you can get a row added to a Google Sheet (with the connection’s Linkedin link) once the connection request is accepted. This can then trigger a playbook that scrapes the connection’s linkedin and does the Chat GPT work you wanted automatically. This can be done with our ‘When rows are added to a Google Sheet’ action . This data can then appear in your Gmail drafts as a draft email so you can edit it and send it out from there.

The Y/N edit part of your request might be too tricky at this stage

Customer Support -
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