How to loop through pages in a dropdown, then how to save downloaded files


I am trying to save all of my bank statement from the past 10 years. This means 4 files / months, aka. 480 files (or more).

First, I would like to iterate over a list of dropdown items (the months for statements):
CleanShot 2023-08-25 at 08.47.04
When visiting each month, there’s another dropdown:
CleanShot 2023-08-25 at 08.47.12
Bardeen should iterate through this dropdown and download all 4 files, and each one save to a directory (either on my hard drive, or Google Drive) in a folder named after the year and the month in the outer loop).

I am completely lost, please help :slight_smile:

Thank you.

I am not quite sure this is possible with Bardeen, @ivan what do you think?

I feel like this would only be possible if each dropdown option from the first list month of statements generates an appendix to the URL. @k3o - are you able to check if this happens?

Also, could you check if there is a button you need to click on the page in order to download each dropdown option in the second field?

Thank you!

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