Need Help regarding Scraping

Hi guys i need help regarding Web Scrapping!
i need to do automation such that it click the anchor tag(Detail) and scrap the data

Hi @adityasn1111 - could you please provide the webpage and element you are trying to select? Thank you!

Thank you, do you have the link to the website you can provide?

click legal records>>Judgments/Liens

No need of login just click legal record

Okay what am I searching for?

Also, maybe this answers your question but both scrapers have an option to click by selecting the “Details” button and then More options and Click – Save

Okay what data are your trying to scrape from that view after hitting details and are you wanting to scrape for each row in the table or just that specific row for POWELL?

If you want to scrape more than one record, unfortunately this won’t work as selecting the details tab does not generate a new link for Bardeen to scrape from or append to the existing url.

i want to scrap all the tabular data and each row

cant we automate? like interacting web scraping

I’m not sure what you mean here. You need a list scraper to scrape all the tabular data and each row. The list scraper doesn’t loop or automate through with the click action.

it can only scrap one record? Multiple Scraping not possible?

List scraping (Multiple records) is available, but with the “Click” action selecting details, it will not roll through each record. This use case is impossible at the moment with Bardeen’s latest version.

Thank you again for your support

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That’s very accurate, thanks for the awesome support Jess!

Being able to do clicks on each item of a list scraper is a limitation, we haven’t been able to explore this feature yet, but you can upvote it here:

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