Click link -> Scrape on the page that opens -> close tab -> Click 2nd link on the list -> Scrape on the page that opens - close tab.... repeat until list of links ends

Hello, I would like to do the following:

Click link on open page → Scrape on the new page that opens → close the page → Click 2nd link on the initial list → Scrape on the new page that opens - close tab → … repeat until list of links ends.

I am able to make an automation that does this for the first link but I am not sure how to close tab and make it do it for the second link on the list.


Hi @halimir123, Welcome to the Bardeen Community :slight_smile:

It sounds like you are wanting to scrape data from multiple links. Try looking at this guide to get you started:

If you still need need some help, please provide us with more details/loom video/automation. Thank you!


Thanks! Its the “scrap data in the background” feature I was misssing.

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Hi @halimir123

Yep, this process can be achieved with Deep scraping.

This tutorial will come in handy too :slight_smile:

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