Ecommerce store product pages informations scrapping

Hello, thank you for all these contents :slight_smile:

I’m still looking for scrap all informations (images,price,descriptions,size etc…) for my ecommerce store from a supplier website.

For example this one :

I succeed to scrap the first image, title and price. But i need more informations who need to clic on the product and scrap inside.

After that, i need to do one click to go back to the next product.

How can i do with bardeen please ? Do you have a tutorial for this case ?

Thank you by advance :pray:

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Hi Loic

This is the perfect example of deep scraping :smile:

This video will walk you though it.

It’ll be much clearer afterwards

It should be possible to do by:

  1. Getting the links to all the products on the first list scraper. Use a list scraper for this.
  2. With the links, you can “scrape data in the background” to get the title, price and other details. You’ll need to build a single page scraper for this page, for example
  3. Run another “scrape data in the background” with a list scraper that gets the image list. This will be a list scraper.
  4. Save all fields into a Google Sheets

Here’s an example automation that you can edit:

Demo walkthough

Thank you very much for your help !

Will try immediatly ! :slight_smile:

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Following up, let me know if it worked!

Clossing this on some days :slight_smile:

Hello Ivan,

Yes almost perfect !

in fact I’m still struggling to automate the whole thing.
Let me explain:
I extract the links with the list scraper but I get a list of links to download. They’re not directly in the google sheet.
So I download them, then copy/paste them into the google sheet.
I then use the data just scrapped with “find all links in text” and continue the process.
When the rest of the information is extracted from the links, there are two problems:
1/ The information is put in a row and not in the same lines as the links (see screenshot 1 ). I don’t understand why.

2/ The first image is not usable, the format is different from the image link. (see screenshot 2) . Why is this?

Capture d’écran 2023-10-03 à 07.53.17

Hi again :slight_smile:

I have another issue with Amazon comment scrapping.

I received this message :

Do you know, what that means please ? I don’t know what check to solve this error…

Thank you by advance,

Is it possible that you’re missing column names?

Or that the field mapping is not setup for this spreadsheet?

Basically, if you don’t configure it to map the data to a specific column, it’ll create other columns and fill them with the scraped data.

If you don’t find the cause please share the automation or a loom so we can check further.

Click on share → Unshare → Share so you send me your own updated version.

It’s probably because of the page html layout.

You can refine the css selector to get the link you need. I’ll tag our team if they can check it out, but it might take some time.

Maybe ask for help on the selector on this post:

…so you can participate on the scraping contest :smiley: and share your usecase on :star_struck: Showcase

You can also join our upcoming scraper contest

Hello thank you very much :slight_smile:
1/ you’re right ! but I don’t know how doing it, I don’t see any specific column to choice :slight_smile:

2/ yes… the image was the zoomed image, my mistake. thank you :slight_smile:

3/ lol yes, will try to do a correct extraction for me almost one time to start :sweat_smile:

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Hi @Loic

Sorry about the delay. Wanted to follow up and check on your case!

Based on the images the mapping seems well done.

We still need more details to know what can be wrong.

  1. A loom on what’s happening
  2. Or the automation link (updated, as I mentioned) with some steps for us to run it


Hello Ivan,

Thank you !

here my try in video :

here the playbook :

Here the scraper :

Here the website page collection i try to scrap :

Many many thanks by advances,

Hi Loic

While seeing your videos I noticed you’re trying to do a deep scraper to get data from this viking website.

Deep scraping in this case is certainly possible.

Here’s 2 in depth resources that will help you learn about it:

The Ultimate Scraper Tutorial | Extract Data Without Code

Our community masterclass on advanced scraping.

Advise in your case:

This is not going to work.

The flow you need to follow is:

Step 1: Make sure you scrape this page with “scrape data in the active tab” and get the urls of each product.

Step 2: Then "scrape data in the background " for the urls collected on step 1.
This will allow you to get data from each one of these pages individually.

Step 3: Then you need to link the results from step 2 in the Notion database.

Also noticed this small fix: