E-commerce scraping

Hello everyone,
I have to scrape some E-commerce websites, Here is an example
There is a login + cookie, and then a list of products; I don’t need them but the link to the product pages
in the product page, I need most of the elements, including image links (not the thumnails but the large ones)
The data will be stored in a google sheet
Can you please point to a tutorial or documentation for this particular workflow?
Thank you

Hi Emmanuel,

What you are explaining seems to be pretty straightforward to achieve. You would need to perform a deep scraping to achieve your goals. Please follow the instructions below:

  1. Scrape on active tab: configure a list scraping to fetch only product links
  2. Scrape on background: use link from step one to load a product page and configure a scraper to pull the information you need including images, titles, description etc.
  3. Export the results to a google sheet.

Here is the complete guide that you may follow: Tutorial: How to use Bardeen scraper | Bardeen.ai

Let us know if you face difficulties at any particular step.

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Thank you, Victoria, I checked the link, now it’s not working anymore
I also followed the tutorial but didn’t find any solution
The images are just an example, Can I email you the website or a YouTube video?

Can someone help fix it in a short zoom session?