Requesting some assistance and coaching from an expert please

Hi there,

Could someone help me set up a web scraping automation to collect and retrieve product category lists and track specific product data and price changes in Google Sheets?
Here is an example of the website I would like to extract data from

Thanks in advance!


Hi Nick.

Welcome to the community. I can help you set up a scraper that scrapes this page ( and in the background it then scrapes each product and pulls out certain variables from the product page (e.g Type and price ). Could you confirm that is what you are looking for please ?

You will likely need to build a different scraper template for each different domain that you have as the same template is unlikely to work for other platforms.

In terms of tracking price changes, the easiest way to do this would be to scrape all the products once a week (or however frequent you would like to scrape it) and input the scraping date into the google sheet. Within the Google Sheet you’ll be able to set up formulas that can see a product’s price over time.

Let me know what you think

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