Ecommerce store product pages informations scrapping

Hi Loic

While seeing your videos I noticed you’re trying to do a deep scraper to get data from this viking website.

Deep scraping in this case is certainly possible.

Here’s 2 in depth resources that will help you learn about it:

The Ultimate Scraper Tutorial | Extract Data Without Code

Our community masterclass on advanced scraping.

Advise in your case:

This is not going to work.

The flow you need to follow is:

Step 1: Make sure you scrape this page with “scrape data in the active tab” and get the urls of each product.

Step 2: Then "scrape data in the background " for the urls collected on step 1.
This will allow you to get data from each one of these pages individually.

Step 3: Then you need to link the results from step 2 in the Notion database.

Also noticed this small fix: