Skipping a step depend on answer

For the following can I skip the first “Get the answer to the question” and immediately go to the second “Get the answer to the question” if the condition is no?

Hi Bob,

Thanks for reaching out! Yes, it is definitely possible to skip the first “get answer to the question” and go immediately to the second one if the condition does return a no. The conditionals all have 2 different branches for that reason. If you’d like the playbook to perform something incase the conditional isn’t true, just add that action to the bottom “no” branch. Hope this helps!


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Hmm that isnt quite what i was looking for.

so imagine 3 steps, whereby the middle step is depending on whether a condition is true.

if condition is true: step 1 → step 2 (because condition is true → step 3
if condition is false: step 1 → skip step 2 → step 3.

In other words I want to reconnect the second branch, circumventing the second step. MAkes sense? I dont want to write out the 3rd step two times (one time for the top branch and once for teh bottom branche).

I hope I’m making sense. Please let me know if Im not, ill try again. :stuck_out_tongue:

maybe a picture makes it easier to understand.

Hi Bob,

Thanks for sending a more detailed description of your needs. Unfortunately, there is no way to accomplish the following task by simply reconnecting the if condition to another action later on. For now, you will need to make a copy of the 3rd step so that you can add it to the bottom branch as well. However, I think this is an excellent feature which I will surely bring to the attention of the rest of my team. I hope this helps!


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okay! thank you. Nice to hear that I can contribute a bit by sharing my thoughts. enjoy your day!