Pauze steps in automation

It would be great if we could temporarily disable a certain automation step in a sequence. This would be great for configuring the steps. Sometimes I want to temporarily disable a step for testing purposes eg.

Hi Bob,

Thanks for reaching out! I’d love to learn more about what you mean by “temporarily disable” a certain automation step in a sequence. We have conditionals and loops to provide the ability to skip certain steps as needed and add your own complex logic to each of your playbooks. If you could describe this in more depth I’d be happy to assist you further. Hope to hear from you soon.


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When I have a playbook that consists of 3 steps, it would be great if I could just disable e.g. step 2. so that I can work on step 1 and 3 without burning credits on step 2 every time i run it. And its also great for finding mistakes. disabling steps makes it easier to find where things are going wrong. Like when you are coding and commenting out certain lines of code.

Hi Bob,

This is another excellent feature that I’d love to bring to the attention of the rest of my team. However, until we can add the following functionality to Bardeen, I recommend that you use the “number of list items to extract” wisely when you are troubleshooting. When you have not finalized the playbook, I’d recommend that you set that number to 1-5 so that it doesn’t scrape a whole giant list of items every time and also use all of your credits (please see screenshot below for more details). I hope this helps!


Customer Support -
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Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Thanks, will do this.