Scrape Instagram/Facebook Link & Business Email Address from a URL?

I use Bardeen to scrape new prospect leads - and I’ve been able to build a scraping automation that provides me with a business name, address and website URL.
I’ve been playing around with automations and haven’t been able to find a way to scrape the Instagram URL that many websites have on their main page, as well as a business address which is often at the bottom of the page… sometimes deeper if they have a contact page.
Does anyone have any ideas or has had any previous experience in pulling data from URL’s that aren’t all formatted the same way?
Thank so much!!

Hi @theresa ,

If you’d like to pull the same information from different websites, this should be an AI scrape I think. It is not possible to configure a scrapper to look for Instagram links, but AI can certainty analyze a page and get that for you.

Specifically you can do the following:

  1. Create a google sheet to hold all websites you need to check.
  2. Get a table into Bardeen automation:

  1. Add an OpenAI step and ask AI to gather all the information (Instagram link and business address) for you while visiting each website on the list:

Hope this helps! But let us know if you face any difficulties setting this up.

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