Scrape FB Group Posts to Google Sheet - Possible?

Hi Bardeen Community,

Is it possible to scrap facebook posts inside of a facebook group to a google sheet.I have played around with it for sometime and have not found a way to do this.

Is this possible?

Hi Alec,

Have you had a chance to check out our tutorial on building scrapers in Facebook ? You can find it here

Customer Support -
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I’ve watched this, but it doesnt show you how to scrape facebook posts from groups. Only profiles and members. Is it not possible to scrape fb posts?

All the best,

Alec Szeftel

Hi Alec,

The concept of building the scraper is the same as scraping members, you’ll just need to tell Bardeen how to identify it by clicking on an example of an item you want to scrape.

While you have the facebook group page open, you can go into Bardeen, click Scraper at the top, then New scraper template and just select two posts right at the top of the group. By selecting these, you will be showing Bardeen examples of what you want to scrape and Bardeen will recognize all the posts in the page.

You’ll then need to select infinite scrolling and you can then choose what aspects of the post you want to scrape (e.g Author, Post content, reactions etc). If you only want to save a few posts, in the playbook editor, you can configure how many items you want to scrape.


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