Multi page automated web scraping

I am looking to build a webscraper that will scrap all the inventory from the whole site. How do you get it to go into the full listing of a single type of inventory to get all of the details and not just the summary that is often times on a page that shows all the inventory.

Hi Kevinluke,

Thanks for using Bardeen and welcome to the community! Can you please share the website so we can take a closer look?


Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

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Hey! Looking forward to using Bardeen. I would need to scrap New and Used Inventory but for example this is the ALL NEW INVENTORY page. I need it to go into each listing and pull out all the date from there seeing this page only gives a summary.

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Hi Kevin,

Do you need all the data in the drop down of the detailed specs as well as the pricing details?


Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Hey Lucy,

Yes. I will need all the data about the vehicle that is provided on the vehicle page.


Kevin Luke

On 4/29/24, 3:44 PM, “Kevin Luke” wrote:

Hi Kevin,

Thank you for providing all of those critical details to help us troubleshoot. I’ve made a playbook for you below which should scrape every single car on a specific kia page. I’ve also linked the google sheet which I was working with so you can just use that for your needs. I hope this helps!

Google Sheet:


Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

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Wow! That is some amazing support.

I’m looking forward to implementing this.

I tried the playbook.

When I opened it, it prompted me for a url.

I put in but after it ran it returned no results?

Hi Kevin,

You will need to run the playbook while on the All new inventory page

Hope that helps!

Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Thank you Lucy,

It is running right now.

I’ll let you know how it turned out when it’s done.

Will it work for the used inventory page also?

Also, is the software able to scrape the HTML data?

I was thinking it may work faster that way.

WOW Lucy,

This is perfect!

I’m going to dive into it and see how you set it up.

I’m going to have to have one for used inventory also and would be best with a seperate GS I believe.

This is exciting!

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