[🚨] Lost Premium Access - Getting Charged for Cancelled Service

@vin_bardeen your attention please

Created a support ticket that’s seems unresponsive and I was hoping that I could expedite resolution via the community

On 19-October-2023 I upgraded my account to premium
Recently, got an email about adding team members which upon activation I got a billing attempt notification (while it wasn’t clear there will be additional charges).

In order to prevent it from charging me, I tried to cancel the team upgrade but there was no option, so I canceled the premium account renewal.

Now there are two issues:

  1. I keep getting notifications for charging attempts for the team account (although I have no active subs on my account).
  2. My account has been demoted to free

That’s bad^2,

Lost premium access that I paid for
I keep getting charge notifications for a service I never wanted in the first place (should it have been clear it would 2X my costs)

Getting no response from Premium (??) Support makes that a cube

Could you please reinstate my premium access and prevent any additional charges ASAP as I the tool I paid for to work?

Account Email: periklis@admariner.com
Support Ticket ID: 1823

Hi Periklis! Thank you so much for you patience. We are sorry you have run into these issues. Our team is working on this and will provide an update shortly.

Customer Support - bardeen.ai
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

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Hi @admariner . My sincere apologies for the delay. We’ve escalated the issue and are awaiting a fix. In the meantime, I can provide credits for the inconvenience this has caused. Thank you so much for your patience.

Hi Periklis! We have resolved the issue and sent you an email with details. Thanks again for your patience.

Customer Support - bardeen.ai
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Hi Lucy,

Everything is in order from my end.

Thank you for your help.



I’m so glad to hear that. Please let me know if you run into any further issues or need any help with getting your automations set up.


Customer Support - bardeen.ai
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Request #1823 “premium access and additional bi…” was closed and merged into this request. Last comment in request #1823:

Hi Periklis,

Thank you for your patience. We have restored your premium status and fixed your billing notices. As a goodwill gesture for the inconvenience this has caused, we have provided 1,000 credits. Can you please verify you this all updated on your end. Please let me know if you have any further issues or need getting any of your automations set up.


Customer Support - bardeen.ai
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

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