I’d like to scrape all data of shared posts in instagram messages into airtable.
An example of this would be:
Let’s say there is a message thread on instagram between myself and a friend. In this message thread, we forward eachother many many posts and reels from instagram.
I’d like to be able to pull all these into airtable, and also scrape the following:
URL of the reel/post
URL of the profile/account that posted that reel/post
view count
like count
comment count
description and caption written in that reel/post
screenshop of the thumbnail
each of the above should go into a cell in a row.
Could someone please provide help with this?
Thank you very much!
Hi @Jess
Thanks for the response.
Do you mind making the template for Airtable?
Most of our contents are on airtable and I don’t use Google suite too much.
Tried building it myself but couldn’t make it work. Thanks in advance!