In a linkedin post search, im trying to scrape the names of companies that have been reshared by people, such as this one (see screenshot). Im using ‘Linkedin post search results (by Bardeen)’ but i understand it will need to be modified.
The end result is to have only “company names” in a google sheet. One way to determine companies is that their professional headline always includes the word “followers”.
In the builder after the scrape runs, add the “Get rows of a Table” action. (This is necessary to have it run through/work with the next steps)
After that action, add a Conditional Statement where the “Company” data point from the previous action(“Get rows of a Table”) is not empty.
3a. If yes → Add an action to “update Google Sheet” with the “Get rows of a table” action.
This will get you the results you’re looking for. I hope this helps!
Thank you,
@Jess first of all, thank you very much for your effort and fast replies. when running this updated playbook and stopping (before completion, to see a sample), i get the following error. mind sharing a loom of how you got it to work?
Massive thank you @Jess ! I believe its working in certain regards.
I noticed its scanning some people results, but mostly company results. Not the end of the world, but wondering if im doing anything wrong on my side
The results seem to repeat/duplicate after a 10-15 entries. Any advice around this?
If we wanted to capture regular company posts (not re-shares of company posts) as well, is it better to create this as a separate scraper (with a condition on the table to scan for headline contains “followers”, since only company profiles have that), or is it possible to create a 2nd condition tree in the same playbook you created? I’ve attached a 2nd screenshot of what a normal company post looks like, just to clarify.
This automation is correctly designed as requested in the original posted topic. It only returns scraped data where there is company results - more specifically it is only returning the posts that people have reshared from a company’s post.
I imagine you might’ve ran the automation multiple times with an item limit set to cause these duplicates. Try removing all and just executing the playbook one time all the way through completion. You can clear the history tab to be sure.
I think you could extend the existing scraper to add that “Followers” data point. Then off of the Conditional Statement Step’s – > No branch → Create another Conditional Statement where “Followers” is not empty → Yes branch to update Google Sheet