Copy LinkedIn company details from job post to Google sheet not showing

Hi all.

I am trying to extend the default Bardeen scaping template for LinkedIn job posts by just adding another column for the scraper and adding the highlighted text. It shows that the text had been scraped successfully. But when I modify and run the playbook, ‘Copy a list of LinkedIn job posts to a Google sheet’ (, with my modified scraping template (and I added the new column in the builder), it doesn’t show in the Google sheet, only the column for my new ‘Company Details’ are added but it does not contain any text.

Any help in this regard would by highly appreciated.

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Hi @adamjcordy

Sorry about the delayed response!

Seems like you’re trying to extend a Bardeen model.

I just tried your use-case and it worked with no issues.
Extend an existing model

Shared link:

I got it with Bardeen’s automatically generated selectors

You can try with these:
SECTION:first-of-type > DIV:first-of-type > DIV:last-of-type > DIV:last-of-type

Let me know if it works!

If you want to dive into refining the css selectors for you case, do check our latest scraper masterclasses where we’re teaching this :slight_smile:

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Thank you so much for the in-depth response!
Appreciate it a lot.

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