Enterprise Level Solution Needed

Hey everyone, I actually wasn’t sure where to post this but I’m looking for a solution to this. I want to be able to scrape multiple sites/platforms (one URL per platform/site) with the output to all go into Airtable.

The data that needs to be scraped are the COMMENTS and the platforms sites are:

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • TikTok
  • LinkedIn
  • Amazon Reviews
  • Communities like Reddit and Quora
  • Twitter or X
  • If possible Threads and Mastedon as well.

Ideally the user would only need to put in the PAGE URL of each or these say for their brand and then scrape no more than 1000 total comments/reviews > All put into Airtable and then the rest of the process will go from there.

Is there anyone I can speak to regarding this? Are we allowed to hire people here as I’m not looking to do this myself.

I’ve put this as an enterprise solution as it’s small part of a much larger app that we’re building on to.

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Hello @WayTooPeak,

My name is Deyan, an advance automation expert with Bardeen, I work with @danfernandez who is also a Bardeen ambassador. Please visit https://solutionlab.ai/ to schedule a call or feel free to DM me here.

Thanks Deyan. Booking that up now.