Looking for a tutor for a simple scrape of a websites' "people" page

Hi folks! I’m looking to build out a tool for a platform I have and I need to learn how to scrape about 200 websites (they’re basically all the same structurally and I know the layout is simple and my goal is simple, but I just need someone to walk me through how to get just one scraper started so I can learn about how to do this right. I’ve tried on my own but have gotten nowhere fast).

Is anyone open to doing a session or two of paid tutoring to help me learn how to do this? An example of one would be scraping all of the information on this page into a google sheet: People | Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP. There are a few of these pages that eventually might need deep scrapers, and I’m happy to also pay for some tutoring about that too down the line once I tackle the more complex sites.

Any help or direction would be amazing! Thank you so much!

Hi @admin3,

I’d be happy to help you out over a session or two to quickly get you up to speed on how Bardeen works and you’ll be off in no time!

Please reach out to me at jessjjvw@outlook.com to discuss compensation and availability details.
Thank you,

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I’m interested too.

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Great! Can you shoot me your email and we can set up a call?

:slight_smile: Here you are! @admin3 , @ltamburrino2017

Thank you,


I’ve helped numerous businesses automate their data collection with Bardeen.

If you’re looking for guidance on building a robust and scalable scraping solution, I’d be happy to discuss your project further.

You can reach out to me on my email here
