Cant link to a google sheet to locate Linked In URLS

Hi I am trying to create a playbook that populates a Google sheet of prospects with their Linked In URL. I have their name and email. I have been trying to set up an automation but I cannot even get it to read the list properly (it says no data is on the the list, where there is). Can anyone help with this?

Hello Dan,

Is there any playbook I can take a look for you? Could you please share it with me here? I will take a look to see if thereā€™s any misconfiguration. To get a link of your playbook, please follow instructions provided here:

Generally, we have a help guide on connecting google sheets. Please check if it can help you resolve the problem:


Customer Support -
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Thanks Victoria. I have been able to link to the worksheet, but it fails every time I try to read from it. See below for share of the prompt I created. It actions fine, find the worksheet etc, but cannot read any info from it when I put in the columns to read (it says no data found)

Links below. Can you help with this?

Many thanks,


The link to the worksheet is here:

Link to prompt hereā€œNameā€-ā€œEmailā€-ā€œLinkedIn-URLā€.-2.-For-each-row:-Use-the-ā€œNameā€-and-ā€œEmailā€-fields-to-construct-a-LinkedIn-search-query-in-the-format:-Name-AND-Email.-Open-the-first-LinkedIn-result-in-a-browser-tab.-3.-Extract-the-LinkedIn-profile-URL-from-the-browser-tabā€™s-URL.-4.-Write-the-extracted-LinkedIn-URL-into-the-ā€œLinkedIn-URLā€-column-of-the-same-row-in-the-spreadsheet.-5.-If-no-matching-profile-is-found:-Leave-the-ā€œLinkedIn-URLā€-field-blank-or-write-ā€œNot-Foundā€.-Notes-Use-Bardeenā€™s-Web-Search-and-Google-Sheets-Integration-tools.-Automate-up-to-20-searches-at-a-time-to-avoid-triggering-rate-limits.-Log-any-errors-(e.g.-name-mismatch)-into-a-separate-ā€œErrorsā€-column.-Actions-to-Automate-Use-Bardeenā€™s-search-actions-to-find-LinkedIn-profiles.-Extract-URLs-directly-from-the-browser-or-search-results.-Update-Google-Sheets-with-the-LinkedIn-profile-URL.-h7Un2GgSqplPWiaQNM

Dan Wallman

Founder, TechNative Digital

Mob: 07782330250

![A picture containing logo, symbol, font, graphics

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Hi Dan,

I think it is failing because of .xlsx in filename. Could you please try saving this sheet as a google sheet and connecting that one to Bardeen?


Customer Support -
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Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Thanks I will try that!

Can I also make a second enquiry? When I attempt to connect to Hubspot I hget a message saying the account does not have the right permissions. Im pretty sure I connected it previously but it dropped off. Im on the marketing hub Starter subscription.
Screenshot 2025-01-14 at 14.58.38

Hi Dan,

As far as I know, you will need permission to install public apps in Hubspot. It may be possible that only admins in Hubspot can install public apps. You can find more details on this page: Hubspot Permission Requirements
Additionally, Bardeen will require the following scopes to function properly:

  • Edit and delete contacts
  • Edit and delete companies
  • Edit and delete deals
  • Edit and delete tickets
  • Edit tasks

Please let me know if this helps or not.


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