šŸŽ Automation System - Smartsuite CRM + 6 Bardeen Automations for a Sales CRM

Hey folks
We recently had this event in collab with smartsuite!

During the event, we showcased a system and automations to save time from Sales processes with a Smartsuite CRM.

1. Get the database system

We used a Smartsuite Sales Solution CRM free template to showcase this and edited it to add extra fields to map with Bardeenā€™s scraper.

Hereā€™s the Smartsuite database template we used during the event.

You can duplicate it in your spaces.

2. :zap: Plug these automations

Letā€™s save a LinkedIn profile contact (1)
Shared Playbook Template

Now letā€™s do it with a right click (2)
Shared Playbook Template

Now letā€™s get their mutual contacts of that person, scraping a LinkedIn search into Smartsuite (3)
[Shared Playbook Template]Shared Playbook Template)

Letā€™s save the company account from that person (4)
Shared Playbook Template

Also with a right click (5) :wink:
Shared Playbook Template

What if we want to enrich our existing CRM? (6)

Letā€™s try to get the emails from our Smartsuite accounts, and then enrich them with Apollo and Clearbit

Shared Playbook Template


  • Consider seeing the event demo before running these.

  • :warning: You need to edit these automations to map them to your CRM system

  • Weā€™re working on pre-built automations to feature on our catalog :soon: