Description of the issue:
I tried to run a airtable automation to create property listings from zillow, but encountered an error. The automation was unsuccessful.
Error message (if aplicable):
the message i was getting was 422 error but then disconnected everything and took it from the top & now I’m getting “Successfully added records to the database.” But no data is even displayed in airtable
I followed this video exactly how it was laid out and did not get the same results /: (18:00 min mark)
Also I followed this video to a T (9:35 second mark) and still didn’t work as expected…
I pinned this airtable automation to my app, connected airtable to softr and then ran it over this [zillow profile]( and have been unable to resolve it.
##### Bardeen version:
##### Link to Playbook or Autobook:
##### 🎥Video recording or screenshots (recommended):
(Upload your files here)
![Screen Shot 2023-09-12 at 10.56.33 PM|690x218](upload://4uzYTWIbQXzGzSq372ZJjfvIku.png)
![Screen Shot 2023-09-12 at 10.58.13 PM|690x368](upload://cHJOrujvaUjk5wD5kFFHHtmWYIb.jpeg)
Also thank you for taking the time to answer this!
Have a great rest of your day! :grin: