Update Google Sheet rows shows errors

i need to uodate google sheet but get error :slight_smile:
Command Invocation failed. The number of records provided for search does not match the number of records being updated

Hi @lodesign.st ,

Would you be able to share a link to the playbook you’re referring to please ? Here is a guide on how to share playbook links

:information_source: How to Share an Auto/Playbook


‫בתאריך יום ג׳, 31 באוק׳ 2023 ב-13:34 מאת ‪Vin Kumar (Bardeen)‬‏ <‪support@bardeensupport.zendesk.com‬‏>:‬

pls this is the link :Shared Playbook Template

somting more i wont browser notification when upwork new job add
i set all in google setting too and still dont work , any id ?

Hi @lodesign.st

Unfortunately, it is not clear what site you are trying to scrape from and we don’t have access to the google sheet you are using.

It looks like the error might be coming from the Update Google Sheet row module and the field you are using the search rows . Do you know if the scraping module is returning any results ? You can toggle the show results button on each module to see if the scraping is generating results.

We have a guide here on how to set up that module which might be helpful.

On your Upwork request, it might help to contact them about browser notifications.

this is the google sheet
when i test only 3 row its work

‫בתאריך יום ג׳, 31 באוק׳ 2023 ב-15:46 מאת ‪Vin Kumar (Bardeen)‬‏ <‪support@bardeensupport.zendesk.com‬‏>:‬

i send you the file on gmail
when i test on 3 row its work fine

Hi @lodesign.st can you share the error you got here?

This is a tutorial on Update GSheet Rows which can help you check as well

Command Invocation failed. The number of records provided for search does not match the number of records being updated

Command Invocation failed. The number of records provided for search does not match the number of records being updated

[Discourse post]

You’re right, thanks!

Your automation seems well-built.

I’ll scale this issue and report it to our team.

Yet, we haven’t found any way to reproduce this issue yet. Will keep you posted.


Some context on what this error means.

Command Invocation failed. The number of records provided for search does not match the number of records being updated

Typically means that some scraper operation earlier in the playbook returned nothing.

Can you check if your scraper is returning results?

You can do this by deleting the update command and clicking on the “show results” of the scraper.

cc: @gcampax

Thanks for your patience! Our engineers are currently looking into fixing the bug and will let you know as soon as it is fixed next week. cc Vinohar Kumar

Hi ,

We have now released a new version of Barden 2.37.2 which addresses the issue you were having. You can check your current version of Bardeen in Google Chrome by following the steps in my screenshot below (the version number will appear next to the Bardeen extension):

Here is a quick guide on how to update your version of Bardeen.

Thanks for your patience and let us know if you need any more help on this :slight_smile:

thanks allot for your time amd help :slight_smile:

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