Scraping photos URLs from gallery

I’m trying to scrape full gallery photo URLs of a given Zillow listing
For example:

tried different ways but I’m trying to get:

  1. ALL photos from the gallery and not just the few first ones on the detailed page.
  2. the high-resolution photo URLs and not the lower-resolution photos.

Thank you!

Hi @sefibartov

I just created this quick playbook with a list scraper that you can recreate in your own automations. I was able to get all 54 URLs from the Zillow listing example url you’ve provided above with this playbook:

It’s kind of a tricky one, but essentially you need to use the special “Click” action on the button labeled “See all 54 photos” located here:

Then you can created the container of the scraper on all of the photos you are looking grab. Container CSS Selector specifics below:

section#viw-modal:first-of-type > div:first-of-type > div:first-of-type > ul:first-of-type > li

I also added a delay after it scrapes the image to account for the other images to load upon infinite scroll before scraping the next image.

I hope this helps!
Thank you,

Thank you, Jess!
few issues:

  1. I tried out your playbook but it seems that the click action isn’t working and the message I get is :

it does work if I run your playbook after pressing the “all photos” button first by myself

  1. I need the higher resolution photos, that can be found in the gallery itself, after pressing on the first photo, it will pop up a new view with one pic at time. those pics are in higher resolution and those are what I need.

please advice,

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@sefibartov oh I see, I was missing the correct navigation to the high resolution photos via clicking the first photo. In this case, here’s what we can do this in two automations:

  1. Execute this first automation from the below URL to add the URL to a GSheet and begin building the final URL to Scrape from to use in the second automation. Also get the total Photo Count:

Results in GSheet: Zillow - High Resolution Photos for sefibartov - Google Sheets

The second sheet is building the final URLs via a concatenate formula:

  1. Step 2 is a tad manual, but doesn’t take long - simply drag and drop the two columns in Sheet 1 in order to equal your total number of photos to grab (54 in this case, but the final photo is always just an add it appears so I’m doing 53): Manual Drag & Drop in GSheet to build URLs
  2. Execute the final Automation to scrape the high resolution photo urls in the background of the built URLs from GSheet:

FWIW, I would’ve expected Bardeen to be able to use scrape in the background with a list scraper using pagination via the first URL link to get these results, but for some reason, I was unsuccessful taking this route initially. Therefore, this is my workaround.

I hope this helps!
Thank you,

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