Scraping Google Maps Results and Adding them to ClickUp

Hello !

I’m trying to scrape & import the data on businesses I find on Google Maps to ClickUp.

For this I use a Custom Scraper that gathers the Name, Address, Business Type, Current SERP Page Link, Individual Business Profile Link, and Business Website Link.

Now, when I’m trying to add this information on ClickUp, I don’t have any choice on which tags and custom fields Bardeen will use to sort it…

With my current Autobook, I essentially, I just have a list of tasks created, and each imported Businesses data is pasted in an individual task card (so NOT organized, it’s a big wall of text that I need to sort by myself).

So I wish to know if there is a way to tell Bardeen to auto-apply and “sort” the data with ClickUp custom fields the same way we can do it in Google Sheets = 1 column for 1 type of scraped data (name for example)

Because this is why I created this autobook : so that I can have leads already filled on ClickUp, and only need to change their color in the Sales Pipeline.

Thanks in advance for your help !

Hi, I think the question here is if there’s a way to add the scraped data into Clickup’s custom fields?

This is currently not possible, unfortunately.

The best workarround is to the send the fields into the clickup’s task description.

You can send all the data from the scraper into that text field.

I do recognize how that can seem a bit limiting. It’ a good :bulb:Share an idea for us to improve the integration by adding custom field mapping

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Thanks for the reply, I just created a post to suggest this idea !

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