Scraping Changes to Load Board when Active Tab Instead of Page Changes

Created a loom to help explain this

Hi @champtransit, welcome to the Bardeen community :smiley:

To scrape the data from a new search you’ll need to create two scraper templates and add a “scrape data in the background” action to your autobook.

  1. Create a scraper template that creates your search criteria. Add this to the first action in your autobook “when a website changes”.

  2. Then the second scraper template that you’ve already built needs to be added to the new action “scrape data in the background” it should go after the first action in your autobook.

I hope this helps!
Thank you,

Thank you for the welcome and the reply.

RE: Create a scraper template that creates your search criteria. Add this to the first action in your autobook “when a website changes”.

So I should create another template to the template I already created creates my search criteria.

I ask because the template searches correctly just the wrong PAGE or aka tab within the PAGE.

RE: 1. Then the second scraper template that you’ve already built needs to be added to the new action “scrape data in the background” it should go after the first action in your autobook.

would you be able to send me a screen shot of how this would flow according to what I already have ?

Yes, because when the autobook runs, it opens the page on the default tab. Therefore, we need to create the tab or new search with a scraper template to make sure it’ll run from the tab we’re looking for. It still might not work tbh, but trial/error.

Could you please share your autobook link?

Makes sense. Will try.

Sharing both the autobook and g sheet.


g sheet

thank you for your help

so I did part 1 and still got wrong tab within a tab data. just did step 2 but have some questions

next update

I don’t think you’re understanding it quite fully, and I don’t have an account with this site so I’m unable to login and trial/error on my end unfortunately. I am also doubting this will work because the new search does not appear to create a new URL so I believe the only way to accomplish this is through the active tab regardless.


If you still want to try getting it to work,

Could you please create a loom video of you recreating the two scraper templates?

  1. Create the Michigan search using a single page scraper template
  2. Create a table or list scraper to scrape the search results

  • please note this will not work properly with the “Scrape data on active tab” because the active tab is referring to your browser tab. As this is an autobook, it runs on a triggered event and it is likely that your active browser tab will not be the tab in focus at the time it is automatically executed.

Hi Earl,

As Jess mentioned, if there is a link that applies the specific filters and produces the results you want to scrape that is ideal. However, you could also try the ‘Click’ action in our scraper which simulates clicks on a page before it starts scraping. Check out this page ( to learn more about it.

Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Thank you for the help. Will try the “Click” action because you are right @ " As this is an autobook, it runs on a triggered event and it is likely that your active browser tab will not be the tab in focus at the time it is automatically execute "

@Jess @vin_bardeen

can I edit the existing scraper template with the “Click” action or do I have to create a new one sense it needs to be the first action before scraping data ? @vin_bardeen

Hi Earl,

I’ll get the link for it from Chris and share it with you


Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

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Hi Earl,

You might have already received the link via email but this is the link to the recording.


Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community