Scrape all employees of a company

Hi there, is there a way to scrape all the employees of a company? If so, how will I do it? Thank you for your help!

Hi @jeromechristiann,

The word all is kind of tricky with this question as most companies do not show their entire list of employees on their website or LinkedIn per se. Not everyone is on LinkedIn and employees leave/get hired constantly.

If there is a specific use case you have, first you’d need to find a website that displays “all” of the employees from that company that you’d like to scrape from.

Then you can use Bardeen to create a List Scraper Template to select all of the employee attributes such as name, email, etc.

Then you can create a Bardeen automation to scrape the entire list for you and output the results in a Google Sheet for example.

This is general advice of what you would do. It’s best for more specific use cases asked to get more specific answers. I hope this helps!

Thank you,

It is possible to scraper company employees on LinkedIn.

You would need:

  1. Scrape data on active tab (over the linkedin employee list) → Here you can use your scraper or pick one from Bardeen
  2. Add rows to google sheets

If you’d like to get data from each employee’s profile, that’s a deep scraper. You can learn more about the scraper learn curve on these tutorials:

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