Is it possible to set-up a trigger where after 24 hours, bardeen will scrape the information of the linkedin contacts that engaged with my linkedin post and put them in a spreadsheet or even a notion database?

Question: is it possible to set-up a trigger where after 24 hours, bardeen will scrape the information of the linkedin contacts that engaged with my linkedin post and put them in a spreadsheet or even a notion database?

Reply from @Jess:

Yes this is possible

Create an autobook with the following Actions:

  1. When a scheduled event occurs
  2. Scrape data in the background
  3. Add rows to Google sheet OR
  4. Update or add Notion Page

(Imported from Slack)


I am not completely sure this answers the question. Let’s break down the questions into actions that need to be performed.

We first need to figure what the engagement is, is that a reaction or a message. Than we have to deploy a scraper to watch the specific post for that engagement . Once we have a that set up and we are scraping new engagement with the LinkedIn Profile URL, we can set up an autobook to scrape the profiles.

I am not sure I understand the purpose of the 24 hour period before scraping but we can either set the book to run daily, or set a wait for 24 hours period after the trigger has been triggered.

An autobook for each Post that we need to monitor.

  1. When website data changes (The LinkedIn Post)
  2. Add rows to Google Sheet

This is added to a sheet let’s call this Data.

Now a single autobook that will scrape the profiles once they are added to our Data tab.

  1. When row is added to Google Sheet
  2. Wait For 24 hours
  3. Background Scraper (The LinkedIn Profile)
  4. Update Google Sheet rows

OR This will require a Filter table to ensure we do not scrape profiles that were already scraped.

  1. When a scheduled event occurs (Run Daily)
  2. Get Table
  3. Background Scraper (The LinkedIn Profile)
  4. Update Google Sheet rows

Disclaimer: I am not very familiar how the When website data changes actions works. If it will re scrape all data if something changes or only get the new data. Depending on the action inner workings the book and setup might have to change

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