Question: Is it possible to find emails from website URLs in bulk?
Reply from @Brozturk:
Hi @edijsedija Yes! it’s possible to do this with Bardeen. In fact, I went ahead and built the automation for you .Here it is -> Shared Playbook | Bardeen
Formula for the same cell: =IFNA(textjoin(“, “,true,filter(Emails!$B$2:$B,Emails!$A$2:$A=G2)),””)
Formula for the multiple cells: =TRANSPOSE(filter(Emails!$B$2:$B,Emails!$A$2:$A=G2))
On a side not @ivan How too add video inside Discourse?
Sorry, the file you are trying to upload is not authorized (authorized extensions: jpg, jpeg, png, gif, heic, heif, webp, avif).
If I try to add mp4 of mkv I get this error.