Felix - New Bardeen user for lead generation in SaaS sales

Hello Bardeen community!

My name is Felix Savino and I work in Sales at Kinsta, a premium WordPress hosting company.

After checking your tool, we see a huge potential to find sales triggers on the internet. A trigger would be an event that gives us a reason to approach new customers.

For instance, if a customer leaves a negative review on Trustpilot on an eCommerce store due to a poor shopping experience, we see that as an opportunity to reach out to the store owner. We could then propose our superior hosting solution as a way to address and rectify these issues.

Personally, I am not in favor of reaching out cold without a meaningful reason to engage a potential client. By focusing on this principle, it feels like we’re breaking down barriers and connecting more genuinely with prospects who truly matter.

Happy to find this fantastic tool and take the best advantage!


Hey Felix!

Welcome to the Bardeen community!

We’re thrilled to have you on board and excited to see how you can leverage our tool for lead generation in SaaS sales.

Building genuine connections with prospects who truly matter is key, and Bardeen can definitely help you with that.

Excited to see what you build! There aren’t many users on this space, would be amazing if you share your automations on :star_struck: Showcase

Also, I recommend you to check out this topic about posting to a WordPress website: Posting to a Wordpress Website - #2 by ivan

It might be helpful to explore wordpress possibilities.

Also do check the :handshake: Sales and prospecting use-cases!

Let us know if you have any questions or need any assistance. Happy automating!

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Welcome Felix,

We are happy to have you with us, please do not hesitate to reach out and ask questions if you require any assistance to make your automations reality.

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