🗓️ July 18 - Bardeen + Glide: The ultimate fusion of no-code automation and AI

Learn how to create no-code apps in minutes powered by Bardeen automation.
:robot:Bardeen + :desktop_computer: Glide: The ultimate fusion of no-code automation and AI.
:calendar: 2023-07-18T15:00:00Z - RSVP Here. Limited spots.

:wave: Hello everyone!

I’m excited to announce our upcoming event, " :robot:Bardeen + :desktop_computer: Glide: The ultimate fusion of no-code automation and AI!

Register here. Limited spots.

Join Andy Claremont and Ivan Escobar, the Heads of Community for Glide and Bardeen.ai, as we show you how to build a powerful app for prospecting at scale.

We’ll demonstrate how Bardeen’s automation features and Glide’s rapid web app creation can create a powerful CRM system for sales and prospecting that works seamlessly with LinkedIn companies data.

We’ll showcase a powerful use-case of a CRM app for sales and prospecting that works seamlessly with LinkedIn companies data. :chart_with_upwards_trend:

This app is perfect for the :house: Real Estate industry, but adaptable to any business looking to ramp up its prospecting game.

:date: Date: July 18, 2023

:clock3: Time:

  • 10:00 AM PST
  • 1:00 PM EST
  • 6:00 PM BST

What we’ll cover:

  • How to combine Bardeen and Glide to build a CRM system in minutes
  • A powerful use-case of a CRM app for sales and prospecting
  • How to get the most out of these platforms
  • How to scrape data to power your Glide apps

This event is for you if:

  • You’re an existing user looking to maximize these tools
  • You’re a new user for either tool and want to discover what’s all the buzz about
  • Want to learn how to scrape data to power your websites
  • You’re looking to automate your prospecting process

So mark your calendars and join us live on Streamyard, YouTube, and LinkedIn. Let’s build a sales CRM in minutes, powered by Bardeen and Glide! :fire:

Join us live on Streamyard, YouTube, and LinkedIn to experience the ultimate fusion of no-code automation and AI, and to be impressed by how well Bardeen and Glide work together. :zap:

Click the link below to sign up (and hurry, there’s limited spots :dash:)

Glide + Bardeen.ai: The ultimate fusion of no-code automation and AI. Limited Spots.

See you all there! :tada:

Video Invite!

Mission accomplished!

Thanks to everyone who participated :cat_jam: :heart_hands: loved to see the communities collide!

We set out to create a CRM app with Bardeen data + Glide apps in less than an hour!

Scan the QR code to see the result of the session!

If you missed the event, you can find the recording at:

Would love to hear your feedback! Share here or on DM
→ What is something that sticked from it?
→ How can we improve the next events?

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