Cannot connect with Twitter

Hi all,

This is my first day trying to use this service and I keep getting this error when trying to connect to twitter: “Exchanging an OAuth2 code for an access and refresh token failed. Obtaining an access token failed. Please try again.”

No matter what i do I can’t connect. I have tried using another browser and clearing my cache but it’s still not working. Ay ideas?

@ivand971217 this seems to be the problem you ran into too, right?

Thanks for reporting!

Can you share us details of what version of Bardeen you’re using?

Can you also try reloading Bardeen and trying again?

hi, I tried reinstalling and i’m still having the same issue. I can’t find where it shows which version it is.

You can right click over the extension → manage extension.

There you will see the Bardeen version.


Thanks so much! 2.32.0

Hi @jasminelee35 I’m not sure what browser you’re on, but if you haven’t tried on Chrome, please try that. Thank you!

Yeah! That’s Correct!

I’m using the version 2.31.0

The issue remains!

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No updates yet.

But it’s important to consider this:

We unfortunately now we have limited options for the twitter integration, it’ll only be able to create tweets.