Announcing I'm out of Bardeen. Ivan's new journey in AI Automation consulting

Hey, dear Community :wave:,

I hope your holidays and Christmas days are filled with joy and cherished moments with loved ones. :christmas_tree:

That’s the goal of automation after all… to free us up some time to make space for the relevant things in life, including taking time with our loved ones.


I have important news

As you may have noticed, I’ve been less present recently.

Today, it’s with mixed emotions that I share this announcement: I’m no longer a part of the Bardeen team.

This decision came after careful consideration and discussions with the Bardeen team. It happened a few weeks ago and wanted to make sure you too got the news.

I believe it’s time for me to explore new opportunities and continue my journey in the world of automation differently.

Reflecting on the Journey :railway_track:

From the moment I joined Bardeen as a community member to the time I spent leading this incredible community, it has been a remarkable journey. :star2:

I started in Bardeen as a community member and excited user, and I exited the same way.

I worked with the community for almost 2 years, helping thousands of founders, marketers, growth folks, and all types of users leverage AI and Automation to grow or optimize their life or businesses. I hope I made an impact on your experience as well.

Here are some of the milestones I’m most proud of:

  • Building this space, this community I’m writing in, from scratch.

  • Transitioning the community from Slack to Discourse, opening it up to all types of members, and achieving a scalable, open, and SEO-friendly community.

  • Initiating our Events Program and organizing 12 Community Events, growing from 38 to 338 participants and conducting ROI analysis for them as well.

  • Developing and launching Bardeen’s popular growth-driven launches, including The Notion Automation Hub (2° product of the day on Product Hunt) and The Dream Job Hub.

  • Writting the Release Notes for Bardeen for over a year.*

  • Initiating and leading the Bardeen Ambassador Program.

  • Read more about my transition in this article.

So, What’s Next? :globe_with_meridians:

I’m excited to share that I’m embarking on a path in automation consulting and building an automation agency. :rocket:

I’ve learned from my time in Bardeen that automation is most powerful when it’s applied to a niche or specific vertical.

Currently, my focus is on helping Venture Capital professionals leverage AI Automation and no-code tools. I’ve identified a significant need for automation in the VC sector. Read my thoughts on this here.

I’m actively collaborating with VC firms, helping them optimize their workflows through automation. Here’s an example of an upfront demo I built for a company, researching companies for a VC’s portfolio.

If you’re in the VC world, let’s connect. :call_me_hand: Else if you have any friends you can recommend me to talk, appreciate the intro :slight_smile:

Only for VC’s? Me and who else?

I’ve partnered up with a top Data Scientist an AI engineer and a digital transformation consultant.

I’m also open to consulting in other industries, like supporting Recruitment experts, Real State Agents, Sales professionals, and Community professionals, where Automation can play a key part to automate business processes.

Besides AI automation, I also have a large experience on no-code. So after being on all sides of no-code, and diving into all main tools, I’m able to consult on no-code strategy for your products and services. I’m offering support in no-code consulting as well.

Here’s a loom video that walks though my expertise and how I can help.

Will I be arround?

I’ll still be around the community from time to time, but my main focus will be on assisting Bardeen users with their automation needs.

If you need automation solutions, or consulting, or have a business case you’d like to explore, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Get in Touch! :telephone_receiver:

You can connect with me through the links below:

Thank you for being a part of this amazing community. I look forward to staying in touch and continuing to support you in your automation endeavors. :raised_hands: