Scraping image when deeplink is not linking to an actual image file


Any suggestions how I could scrape the image of this website? The image URL doesnt seem to resolve to an image file.

Website: Kat Eaton (UK) | PHIL Haarlem
Image file:

Thanks a lot!

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Hi @Bob

You can add an action at the end of your playbook to “Find all links in Text” to the scraped URL to be able to open the link after executing the automation. Here’s the example Playbook I’ve created for this use case: Shared Playbook Template

I hope this helps!
Thank you,

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Hi @Jess, Thanks for this! I did not know this feature existed. However, this is still not resolving to an image file. Its opening:
instead of:

Hope you have any other ideas. I dont :see_no_evil:


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Got it, in that case @Bob - you are looking for this updated playbook: Shared Playbook Template

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HI @Jess,

:exploding_head: mind blown.

For the bonus question, would there be a way to store the result and link to it in a Google Sheet? I know, asking for too much. :grin:

i had already given up. Thank you @Jess. Please me know if there is anything I can do for you.

Bardeen’s specialty :slight_smile: - yes this is very possible. Here’s the automation: Shared Playbook Template

Here’s the sample GSheet: Bob's Sheet - Google Sheets

(FWIW - next time, just provide the full end results you’re looking for so we can give you the entire automation in one.)

  • Happy to help, just have a wonderful day @Bob!

Hi @Jess,
No way, you did it. What kind of black magic is this? Awesome.
Magic Fingers Family GIF
Enjoy your day and thanks again!
Will provide full context next time.

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Haha! Bardeen Magic! :bardeen_logo_2:

Take care @Bob!

Thank you,

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