Scraper only ever scrapes 18 items from very long scrolling list

I have tried building a number of scrapers to scrape from filters on I use the option for infinite scrolling list and set the number of items at a big number like 600. But no matter what I do, it will only ever give me 18 items - which is the number that appears on one screen. Is Bardeen incapable of actually scrolling a scrolling list???

Hi Dan,

Sorry to hear that you are running into inssues. CAn you please share your playbook so I can help troubleshoot?


Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Hi, it’s this playbook:

Dan Robinson


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On Wed Mar 6, 2024, 11:43 PM GMT, Lucy (Support) wrote:

Hi Dan-

Are you scraping from within the Skepal app? Can you please share a recoding of your workflow and the issues you are encountering? Alternatively, we can hop on a call and try to troubleshoot in real time. You can schedule a time here

Customer Support -
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Hey @lucy_bardeen I’ve been facing a similar issue but not with infinite lists but lists that are on different pages. Can you kindly help me figure this out.

Here’s my playbook: Shared Playbook Template

Here’s the list i’m trying to scrape:

Hi @dewasissunuwar,

The link to your playbook shows it no longer exists:

Could you please create a separate, new post inside of the :question:Help and questions category if you’re still requiring assistance to ensure we don’t confuse with this thread?

Thank you,

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