READ ME: How to share your ideas and suggestions!

Share your feedback and ideas about Bardeen.

:information_source: Do you have ideas to enhance Bardeen or suggestions for new features?

This category is dedicated to gathering your valuable feedback and suggestions. :bulb:

Share your thoughts on how we can improve the platform, streamline workflows, or introduce innovative functionalities that would further empower our community.

How to share your ideas with Bardeen:

How to share an idea in Bardeen

  1. Create a Bardeen Community Account. You can :bust_in_silhouette: log in with your Bardeen account.

  2. Head on to the :bulb: Share an idea category.

Create a new topic. There’s a template you can follow to make the process easier.

  1. Don’t forget to Get Started on the community and learn about the community space!

Thank you for sharing your feedback and suggestion with us! You rock! :jammies: :cat_jam:

Help shape the future of automation and AI and make Bardeen even better. :rocket: