How to Get keywords and a summary from any website save it to Google Sheets

I know there is a premade playbook for this, but I have a list of urls in the spreadsheet I select and bardeen just ads the url of the spreadsheet itself at the bottom with a summary of the spreadsheet itself.

What am I missing?

Hi @aiden, Welcome to the Bardeen Community :slight_smile:

Would you mind sharing the automation and GSheet publicly?

Could you also please share what you are trying to accomplish?

This information will allow us to further assist you.
Thank you,

Thank you @aiden

It’s still unclear to me - Could you also please advise further on what your end goal is with this automation?

Are you trying to get the SEO keywords from multiple websites and have Chat GPT provide a summary of the website as well? Then input into GSheet?

Yes, it’s this playbook Get keywords and a summary from any website save it to Google Sheets.

I’d like to get keywords and a summary from the list of websites save it to Google Sheets

Thank you, would you mind sharing the GSheet publically? It appears I don’t have access. Therefore, I cannot troubleshoot fully within your use case.

By the looks of your automation’s setup - it appears you are actually just wanting to get one website (the current page you are on) for the keywords and summary of it. Then add to a GSheet. Is that correct?