Extract the LinkedIn company info from the active tab. not retrieving company size and web link


I use the scrapper “Extract the LinkedIn company info from the active tab.”

It does not capture company size and company web link.

Hi Mathilde,

We checked the scraper and could not confirm the problem. Could you please share the links you are scraping? We can take a closer look.


Customer Support - bardeen.ai
Knowledge Base https://support.bardeen.ai/hc/en-us
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community


For example, I scrap https://www.linkedin.com/company/novares-group/


The result :




and in the Google Sheet :


Bien Ă  vous,

Mathilde RĂ©gnier-Dulout

+33 6 42 06 27 64


Le lun. 3 févr. 2025 à 13:51, Victoria from Bardeen (Support) support@bardeen.ai a écrit :

Hi Mathilde,

Thank you for bringing this to our attention and for sharing the screenshots - they helped identify the issue right away!

It looks like your LinkedIn account is set to French, while our scraper currently uses XPath to look for values in English, such as “Website” and company size. If you switch your LinkedIn account to English, the scraper should work perfectly.

That said, we’re already working on adding support for multiple languages, and this should be available in the next few days.
Let me know if switching to English resolves the issue in the meantime!

Best regards,

Customer Support - bardeen.ai
Knowledge Base https://support.bardeen.ai/hc/en-us
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

Hello Victoria and thank you for your response.

I am quite surprised because the “Location”, “Industry” and so on are not in French and however they are scrapped correctly.

Bien Ă  vous,

Mathilde RĂ©gnier-Dulout

+33 6 42 06 27 64


Le mar. 4 févr. 2025 à 10:04, Victoria from Bardeen (Support) support@bardeen.ai a écrit :

Hello Mathilde,

You’re absolutely right! The selectors for fields like “Location” and “Industry” aren’t tied to specific language keywords, which is why they scrape correctly regardless of the language setting.

However, for fields like “Website,” the selectors were specifically targeting English labels - our oversight on that. We’re actively working on fixing this, and support for all languages will be added shortly!

Thanks again for your patience and for pointing this out. :blush:

Bien Ă  vous,

Customer Support - bardeen.ai
Knowledge Base https://support.bardeen.ai/hc/en-us
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

That’s great, thank you very much. I tried to scrape with LinkedIn in English, but I had the Industry in English, to be translated. So not a great improvement !

Bien Ă  vous,

Mathilde RĂ©gnier-Dulout

+33 6 42 06 27 64


Le mar. 4 févr. 2025 à 10:20, Victoria from Bardeen (Support) support@bardeen.ai a écrit :

And I just tried the scrapper again, it is working !

Thanks a lot !

Bien Ă  vous,

Mathilde RĂ©gnier-Dulout

+33 6 42 06 27 64


Le mar. 4 févr. 2025 à 11:36, Mathilde Régnier-Dulout mathilde@syntropy-it.com a écrit :

That’s great, thank you very much. I tried to scrape with LinkedIn in English, but I had the Industry in English, to be translated. So not a great improvement !

Bien Ă  vous,

Mathilde RĂ©gnier-Dulout

+33 6 42 06 27 64


Le mar. 4 févr. 2025 à 10:20, Victoria from Bardeen (Support) support@bardeen.ai a écrit :

Hi Mathilde,

Yes, we added support for French language for the mentioned scraper.

Let us know if you have any other questions!

Customer Support - bardeen.ai
Knowledge Base https://support.bardeen.ai/hc/en-us
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community