I have tried editing the custom selector but cant seem to get it to work. Can you please help me identify and also, if you can, explain how you were able to get bardeen to select it
Wow that did help, I was just selecting the wrong area on the page… hypothetically speaking, lets say Bardeen did not pick up on the link regardless of where I click. How would you identify the right element / selector as you are inspecting the code?
Yes, thank you! I know that it is possible and I know how to do the steps above but I was having trouble getting the right selector on that webpage even after inspecting the page and trying different things. Was hoping maybe you could show me with a specific example from that page?
One full correct CSS Selector to grab all 24 links from this page is:
#__next > div.MuiBox-root.css-awa75k > div > div.MuiBox-root.css-1yuhvjn > div.MuiGrid-root.MuiGrid-container.MuiGrid-spacing-xs-2.css-isbt42 > div > div > figure > a
I emphasis the word full in the above statement because Bardeen automatically generates the container when first selecting two fields from the list of items you’re trying to scrape. The container automatically generated for this page was: