Cannot use ChatGPT in Automation Loop

Issue reporting template:

To solve your issue, we need your help providing us basic information to solve this issue.:pray:

Please take just 2 minutes⏳ to fill out the following template.

Let’s kill this bug together!:lady_beetle::hammer:

Use the template below, and delete whatever is unnecesary.

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Description of the issue:

I wanted to use Chat GPT 4 in the automation chain, but when I use it says a request to the service API failed.

Error message (if aplicable):

Please paste the error message below:

A request to the service API failed. Please check the error details
“clientErrorCode”: “OpenAI run prompt: invalid_type (400)”,
“message”: “OpenAI failed to run prompt: Invalid type for ‘max_tokens’: expected an integer, but got a decimal number instead. (400)”,
“userHint”: “A request to the service API failed. Please check the error details”,
“trackError”: “default”,
“stack”: “Error: OpenAI run prompt: invalid_type (400)\n at u.fromSerialized (chrome-extension://ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga/background.js:2:5096672)\n at Object.from (chrome-extension://ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga/background.js:2:5098815)\n at (chrome-extension://ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga/background.js:2:8065657)\n at async qQ (chrome-extension://ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga/background.js:2:7426311)\n at async c0.handle (chrome-extension://ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga/background.js:2:7440703)\n at async chrome-extension://ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga/background.js:2:8583707\n at async ou.guard (chrome-extension://ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga/background.js:2:8455042)\n at async Jp.invokeFunction (chrome-extension://ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga/background.js:2:8583665)\n at async Jp.invokeSequence (chrome-extension://ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga/background.js:2:8573677)\n at async Jp.invokePlaybook (chrome-extension://ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga/background.js:2:8575439)\n at async eh.execute (chrome-extension://ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga/background.js:2:8594154)\n at async eh.executeWithResult (chrome-extension://ihhkmalpkhkoedlmcnilbbhhbhnicjga/background.js:2:8594853)”,
“clientErrorHistory”: [
“clientErrorCode”: “OpenAI run prompt: invalid_type (400)”,
“clientErrorDetails”: {
“type”: “ApiError”,
“module”: “OpenAI”,
“operation”: “run prompt”,
“status”: 400,
“headers”: {
“access-control-allow-origin”: “*”,
“access-control-expose-headers”: “Link”,
“alt-svc”: “h3=":443"; ma=86400”,
“bardeen-proxy-success”: “1”,
“cache-control”: “no-store, max-age=0”,
“cf-cache-status”: “DYNAMIC”,
“cf-ray”: “88b0c2460d7a826f-IAD”,
“content-length”: “215”,
“content-security-policy”: “default-src ‘self’; object-src ‘none’; frame-ancestors ‘none’; upgrade-insecure-requests; block-all-mixed-content;”,
“content-type”: “application/json”,
“date”: “Tue, 28 May 2024 19:47:51 GMT”,
“openai-organization”: “bardeen-inc”,
“openai-processing-ms”: “20”,
“openai-version”: “2020-10-01”,
“referrer-policy”: “no-referrer”,
“server”: “cloudflare”,
“strict-transport-security”: “max-age=15724800; includeSubDomains”,
“x-content-type-options”: “nosniff”,
“x-powered-by”: “Express”,
“x-ratelimit-limit-requests”: “10000”,
“x-ratelimit-remaining-requests”: “9999”,
“x-ratelimit-reset-requests”: “6ms”,
“x-request-id”: “req_925618a77edb8acaeea3ac9bf7b0ca17”
“message”: “OpenAI failed to run prompt: Invalid type for ‘max_tokens’: expected an integer, but got a decimal number instead. (400)”,
“code”: “invalid_type”
“fingerprint”: [
“OpenAI run prompt: invalid_type (400)”
“message”: “OpenAI failed to run prompt: Invalid type for ‘max_tokens’: expected an integer, but got a decimal number instead. (400)”,
“userHint”: “A request to the service API failed. Please check the error details”
“fingerprint”: [
“OpenAI run prompt: invalid_type (400)”
“troubleshootingCandidates”: [

Steps to reproduce this issue:

Please provide a detailed account of the steps taken to encounter the issue. Where did you start? What actions did you perform? Where did you encounter the error?

Ex: I pinned this salesforce automation to my app, connected salesforce and then ran it over this linkedin profile. I received the error message and have been unable to resolve it.

Bardeen version: ____


Link to Playbook or Autobook (if applicable):

Ex: Create a Salesforce contact from a LinkedIn profile

:movie_camera:Video recording or screenshots (optional, but recommended):

(Upload your files here)

You can also embedd a loom video or gif.

Hi Florian,

Thanks for reproting this issue. I am escalating with the engineering team and will circle back with our findings shortly.

We appreciate your patience,

Customer Support -
Knowledge Base
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community

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Hi Florian,

Great news! The problem you encountered previously should now be fixed in our latest version of Bardeen 2.58.

Please try updating your version of Bardeen and let me know if you’re still facing the same issue.

Here’s how you can update your version of Bardeen:

  1. Open the Google Chrome browser.
  2. Navigate to your extensions page by either:
    ◦ Opening a new tab and typing chrome://extensions into the address bar.
    ◦ Clicking on the three-dot icon at the top right corner of the browser, selecting “More tools,” and then “Extensions”.
  3. Enable “Developer mode” by toggling the switch in the top-right corner of the extensions page.
  4. Once Developer mode is enabled, additional options will appear on the page. Look for the Bardeen extension, Click Details and click the “Update” button.
    This will force Chrome to download and install any available updates for Bardeen.


Customer Support -
Knowledge Base
Explore | @bardeenai | Bardeen Community