Right-click Upload current page- "ask me every time" for name isn't working

Hi, I have a few right-click autobooks where I will be viewing a Pdf or email and right-click to save it to a Google Drive Folder. I have it set to “ask me every time” for the file name, but it wants me to save the file name when I activate the play book and then it uses that name very time, vs I want it to ask me every time I run the autobook, so I can give each email/pdf a unique name. Is that not possible?

2nd, is there a limit to the # of right-click links I can have in the Bardeen browser plug-in? I have 7 right-click autobooks but only 6 of them show when I right-click the Bardeen logo. If I save another one, it replaces the oldest to still only show 6.

Hi Caroline,

That’s right, if you use a “right-click” action in an autobook, it will save the “ask me every time” value on step of enabling. You can convert your autobook into a playbook to achieve what you need. Please follow the steps below:

  1. Delete “right-click” action from your autobook and save it.
  2. Add it through “Add to website” > “Add to right-click menu” as shown below:

This way your playbook will be launched the same way as before, but it will ask you for the file name every time you run it.

As to your second question, I could not reproduce the limit you are talkinng about. I am using Opera browser and am able to add many “right-click” autobooks to the menu. Perhaps it’s a browser limitation that is not controlled by our app. Please check if there’s a way to scroll the list or if there is a button to expand the list. I believe all your enabled autobooks should be there.

Let us know if you have any other questions!


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Thank you Victoria! That switch to playbook was exactly what I needed. This now perfectly suits my use case, appreciate your help!

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