How can I change my username here? (on discourse)

Why donā€™t we have the right to do this ?

Can some admin DM me ? I want to change my username that I actually donā€™t chose at sign up.

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Hi Bastien!

Just to be sure, you mean you canā€™t change your Bardeen email?

We donā€™t have these settings at the moment.

Iā€™ll check with the team how can we manually do this.

Yet, if your account is new, I think itā€™s easier to just delete yours and create a new one with the email you need.

Itā€™s possible to delete an account

Hi, I donā€™t want to change my email

I want to change my username for the forum

to bastien

Okay, he means how to change the forum username.

Thatā€™s easy:

  1. Go to your profile

  2. Change username

No I donā€™t have this option I am sorry :

Thanks for flagging this. Iā€™ve checked and seems like users had 3 days to change username.

Iā€™ve disabled the time periud for users to edit their username

It should now be possible, please confirm me :smiley:

I changed yours in the meantime too.

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